dropdown in crud application YII

Yii Dropdown in CRUD Application

To add a dropdown in a CRUD application using Yii, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the dropdown options in the model class: In the model class associated with the CRUD application, you can define an array of dropdown options. For example, if you have a Post model and you want to add a dropdown for the post category, you can define the options in the Post model like this:

php public static $categoryOptions = [ '1' => 'Category 1', '2' => 'Category 2', '3' => 'Category 3', ];

  1. Modify the form view: In the view file where the form is rendered, you can add the dropdown field using Yii's activeDropDownList or dropDownList method. For example, if you want to add the dropdown for the post category, you can modify the _form.php file like this:

```php field($model, 'category')->dropDownList(Post::$categoryOptions) ?>


This will generate the HTML code for the dropdown field with the options defined in the model.

  1. Save and retrieve the dropdown value: When the form is submitted, the selected dropdown value will be saved in the corresponding attribute of the model. You can access the value using $model->attributeName. For example, to retrieve the selected category value, you can use $model->category.

That's it! By following these steps, you can add a dropdown in a CRUD application using Yii.