wp is user admin

  1. Log in to the WordPress admin dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the "Users" section.

  3. Click on the "Add New" button.

  4. Fill in the required user information, including username, email, and password.

  5. Choose the desired role for the user from the "Role" dropdown menu (e.g., Administrator, Editor, Author, etc.).

  6. Optionally, provide additional user details such as first name, last name, and website.

  7. Scroll down to the "Send User Notification" section and check the box if you want to send the new user an email notification with their account details.

  8. Click the "Add New User" button to create the new user.

  9. To edit an existing user, go to the "Users" section and click on the username you want to modify.

  10. Make the necessary changes to the user information.

  11. Click the "Update User" button to save the changes.

  12. To delete a user, go to the "Users" section, hover over the username, and click the "Delete" option.

  13. Confirm the deletion by clicking the "Confirm Deletion" button.

  14. If you want to change your own password, go to the "Users" section, click on your username, and then click the "Set New Password" button.

  15. Enter a new password or use the provided password and click the "Update Profile" button to save the changes.