wp get image alt

The wp_get_attachment_image_alt() function in WordPress retrieves the alternative text (alt text) for an image. Here are the steps:

  1. Function Call: Use wp_get_attachment_image_alt() function.

Example: php $attachment_id = 123; // Replace with your attachment ID. $alt_text = wp_get_attachment_image_alt($attachment_id);

  1. Parameters:

  2. $attachment_id (int) (Required): The ID of the image attachment for which you want to retrieve the alt text.

  3. Return Value:

  4. $alt_text (string|false): The alt text of the image attachment. Returns false if no alt text is found.

  5. Usage:

  6. Assign the return value of wp_get_attachment_image_alt() to a variable like $alt_text to use the alt text in your code.

Example of usage: php if ($alt_text) { echo 'Alt Text: ' . $alt_text; } else { echo 'No alt text available.'; }