wp get category by id

wp_get_category( int|object $category ), wp_get_category( string $category ) This function retrieves category data given a category ID or category object.

  1. The function wp_get_category() is used to retrieve category data based on the category ID or category object provided as the parameter.
  2. The parameter $category can be either an integer representing the category ID, or an object representing the category.
  3. If an integer is passed as the $category parameter, it represents the category ID.
  4. If an object is passed as the $category parameter, it represents the category object.
  5. The function returns the category data in the form of an object on success, and an array or empty string if the category is not found.
  6. The data returned includes the ID, name, slug, and other information associated with the category.


$category_id = 5;
$category_data = wp_get_category( $category_id );

In the example above, the variable $category_id is assigned the value 5 as the category ID. The function wp_get_category() is then called with $category_id passed as the parameter, and the returned category data is stored in the variable $category_data.