wp get acf category in post

  1. Open the WordPress admin panel.

  2. Navigate to "Custom Fields" on the left-hand menu.

  3. Create a new field group and add a "Taxonomy" field.

  4. Choose the taxonomy (category) for which you want to retrieve data.

  5. Save the field group.

  6. Edit the post for which you want to get the ACF category.

  7. Populate the selected taxonomy field with the relevant category.

  8. Update or save the post.

  9. Open your theme's template file where you want to display the ACF category.

  10. Use the get_field function to retrieve the ACF category for the post.

  11. Pass the field name and post ID as parameters to the get_field function.

  12. Display the retrieved ACF category data as needed in your template.


// Get ACF category for the current post
$acf_category = get_field('your_taxonomy_field_name', get_the_ID());

// Display the ACF category
echo 'ACF Category: ' . $acf_category;

Replace 'your_taxonomy_field_name' with the actual name of your ACF taxonomy field.

Note: Ensure that you have the Advanced Custom Fields plugin installed and activated in your WordPress installation.