wordpresss config domain

  1. Open the WordPress configuration file.
  2. Locate the "wp-config.php" file in your WordPress installation directory.

  3. Edit the "wp-config.php" file.

  4. Use a text editor or code editor to open the "wp-config.php" file.

  5. Define the WordPress database host.

  6. Find the line that starts with $dbhost and set it to the hostname of your database server. This is usually "localhost" if your database is on the same server as your website. If your database is on a different server, enter the appropriate hostname.

  7. Set the WordPress database name.

  8. Locate the line that begins with $dbname and specify the name of your WordPress database.

  9. Specify the database username.

  10. Find the line starting with $dbuser and set it to the username you use to access your WordPress database.

  11. Enter the database password.

  12. On the line beginning with $dbpassword, input the password associated with the database user you provided earlier.

  13. Configure the database table prefix (optional).

  14. If you want to change the default database table prefix for security reasons, you can adjust the line starting with $table_prefix. However, this step is optional.

  15. Save and close the "wp-config.php" file.

  16. After making the necessary changes, save the file and close the text editor.

  17. Verify the configuration.

  18. Ensure that you have correctly entered the database details, including the host, name, username, and password.

  19. Upload the modified "wp-config.php" file (if necessary).

    • If you made changes to the "wp-config.php" file on your local computer, upload the updated file to your WordPress site's root directory using FTP or a file manager.
  20. Test your website.

    • Visit your WordPress website to confirm that it is functioning correctly with the updated configuration.
  21. Troubleshoot any issues.

    • If you encounter any errors or problems, double-check your configuration settings and make corrections as needed.
  22. Secure the "wp-config.php" file.

    • For security reasons, ensure that the "wp-config.php" file has proper permissions and is not accessible to unauthorized users. You can set its permissions to be readable only by the web server user.
  23. Keep a backup of the "wp-config.php" file.

    • It's a good practice to maintain a backup copy of the "wp-config.php" file in case you need to revert to a previous configuration.
  24. Monitor and maintain your WordPress configuration.

    • Regularly review and update your WordPress configuration as needed to ensure optimal performance and security.