wordpress translate specific text php

  1. Create a child theme in WordPress.
  2. Create a new folder for your language files within the child theme folder.
  3. Create a new file within this folder called "en_US.po" (replace "en_US" with your language code if translating to a different language).
  4. Download and install Poedit.
  5. Open the "en_US.po" file with Poedit.
  6. Use Poedit to translate the specific text strings within the file.
  7. Save the changes, and Poedit will generate both a .po and a .mo file.
  8. Upload both the .po and .mo files to the language folder you created in the child theme.
  9. In your theme's functions.php file, load the translated language files using the load_theme_textdomain() function.