wordpress theme development boilerplate

  1. Create a New Theme Directory:
  2. Navigate to the wp-content/themes/ directory in your WordPress installation.
  3. Create a new directory for your theme. This will be the root directory for your theme.

  4. Create Stylesheet (style.css):

  5. Inside your theme directory, create a file named style.css.
  6. Add the necessary information such as theme name, author, version, etc., using the standard CSS comment header.

  7. Create a Functions File (functions.php):

  8. In your theme directory, create a file named functions.php.
  9. This file will be used for adding custom functions and features to your theme.

  10. Create Template Files:

  11. Depending on your theme's complexity, create template files like index.php, header.php, footer.php, etc.
  12. Ensure you have the essential WordPress template tags in these files for proper functionality.

  13. Enqueue Styles and Scripts:

  14. Use the wp_enqueue_style() function in your functions.php file to include your stylesheet.
  15. Use wp_enqueue_script() to include JavaScript files.

  16. Implement Theme Support:

  17. Use add_theme_support() in your functions.php file to add support for various WordPress features.
  18. Common features include post thumbnails, custom headers, custom backgrounds, and more.

  19. Implement Menus:

  20. Register theme navigation menus using the register_nav_menus() function in your functions.php file.
  21. Integrate menu locations in your theme template files.

  22. Implement Widgets:

  23. Register widget areas using the register_sidebar() function in your functions.php file.
  24. Integrate widget areas in your theme template files.

  25. Implement Customizer Settings:

  26. Use the Theme Customization API to add settings that users can customize.
  27. Add controls, settings, and sections in your functions.php file.

  28. Localization for Translation:

    • Wrap translatable text strings in the __() or _e() functions for localization.
    • Create a .pot file for translation and include it in your theme directory.
  29. Create Theme Documentation:

    • Document the usage and features of your theme in a README file.
    • Include information on recommended image sizes, theme options, and any other relevant details.
  30. Testing:

    • Test your theme on various browsers and devices to ensure responsiveness.
    • Check compatibility with the latest WordPress version.
    • Ensure that your theme follows best practices and coding standards.
  31. Package for Distribution:

    • If you plan to distribute your theme, create a ZIP file of your theme directory.
    • Include installation instructions and any other necessary documentation.
  32. Activate and Customize:

    • Activate your theme from the WordPress dashboard.
    • Customize the theme settings, menus, and widgets as needed.