wordpress plugin deactivate from database

  1. Access the WordPress Database:
  2. Log in to your hosting provider's control panel.
  3. Locate and access the phpMyAdmin tool.

  4. Identify the WordPress Database:

  5. In phpMyAdmin, select the database associated with your WordPress installation.

  6. Locate the wp_options Table:

  7. Within the selected database, find the table named "wp_options" (replace "wp_" with your database prefix if different).

  8. Find the Active Plugins Option:

  9. Look for a row with the option_name "active_plugins" in the "wp_options" table.

  10. Deactivate the Plugin:

  11. Edit the row with "active_plugins" in the "option_name" column.
  12. Change the "option_value" column's content to: a:0:{}

  13. Save Changes:

  14. Save the changes by clicking the "Go" or "Save" button.

  15. Clear WordPress Cache (if applicable):

  16. If you have a caching mechanism, clear the cache to reflect the changes.

  17. Verify Deactivation:

  18. Visit your WordPress site and confirm that the plugin is deactivated.

  19. Reactivate Other Plugins (if necessary):

  20. If needed, reactivate other plugins through the WordPress dashboard.

  21. Check for Issues:

    • Ensure that deactivating the plugin didn't cause any unexpected issues on your site.
  22. Back Up Your Database (Optional):

    • Before making any changes, consider creating a backup of your database for safety.
  23. Log Out and Log In:

    • Log out of your WordPress dashboard and log in again to apply the changes.

Note: Exercise caution when making changes directly in the database, as it can impact your site's functionality. Always perform a backup before proceeding.