WordPress enqueue wp-api as a dependency

  1. Open your WordPress theme's functions.php file.
  2. Inside the functions.php file, locate the section where you enqueue your scripts and styles. This is usually done using the wp_enqueue_script() function.
  3. Add a new line of code to enqueue the wp-api script as a dependency. The code would look something like this: wp_enqueue_script( 'your-script-handle', 'path/to/your/script.js', array( 'wp-api' ), '1.0', true );

Explanation for each step: 1. Opening the functions.php file allows you to edit the code that controls the functionality of your WordPress theme. It is typically located in the root folder of your theme. 2. Locating the section where you enqueue your scripts and styles is important because it is where you tell WordPress to load certain scripts and stylesheets for your theme. This section is usually found towards the bottom of the functions.php file. 3. Adding the code to enqueue the wp-api script as a dependency ensures that the wp-api script is loaded before your custom script. The wp_enqueue_script() function takes several parameters: - The first parameter ('your-script-handle') is a unique identifier for your script. You can choose any name you like. - The second parameter ('path/to/your/script.js') is the path to your custom script file. - The third parameter (array('wp-api')) is an array of script handles that your script depends on. In this case, we specify 'wp-api' as the dependency. - The fourth parameter ('1.0') is the version number of your script. You can use any versioning scheme you prefer. - The fifth parameter (true) indicates that the script should be loaded in the footer of the HTML document. If you prefer to load it in the header, you can set this parameter to false.

Note: Make sure to replace 'your-script-handle' and 'path/to/your/script.js' with the appropriate values for your script.