wordpress echo the excerpt

To echo the excerpt in WordPress, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, you need to access the WordPress theme files. You can do this by logging in to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigating to "Appearance" > "Editor."

  2. Once you're in the Editor, you'll see a list of template files on the right-hand side. Look for the file that controls the display of your blog posts, usually called "single.php" or "content.php." Click on it to open the file.

  3. Within the template file, you need to locate the code that displays the content of the post. This code is usually wrapped in a loop, and it can vary depending on your theme. Look for a line of code that starts with "the_content()" or "the_excerpt()". If you're using the_content(), you'll need to change it to the_excerpt().

  4. After finding the appropriate line of code, you can now modify it to echo the excerpt instead of displaying it. Replace "the_excerpt()" with "echo get_the_excerpt()".

  5. Save the changes you made to the template file by clicking the "Update File" button at the bottom of the Editor.

That's it! By following these steps, you have successfully modified your WordPress theme to echo the excerpt instead of displaying it. The excerpt will now be outputted wherever the appropriate template file is used.