Upload Webp to Wordpress

To upload WebP images to WordPress, follow these steps:

  1. Install a WebP plugin: WordPress doesn't support WebP images by default, so you'll need to install a plugin that enables WebP support. There are several plugins available, such as "WebP Express" or "WebP Converter for Media." Choose a plugin that suits your needs and install it.

  2. Activate the plugin: Once the plugin is installed, go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the "Plugins" section. Find the WebP plugin you installed and activate it. This will enable the plugin's functionality on your website.

  3. Convert existing images to WebP: After activating the plugin, you'll have the option to convert your existing images to the WebP format. This will help optimize your website's performance. Look for the plugin's settings or options page, where you'll find a "Convert Images" or similar feature. Follow the instructions provided by the plugin to convert your images to WebP.

  4. Upload WebP images: With the plugin installed and activated, you can now upload WebP images to your WordPress media library. Simply go to the "Media" section in your WordPress dashboard and click on "Add New" or "Upload." Select the WebP image file from your computer, and the plugin will handle the rest. The image will be uploaded to your media library in the WebP format.

  5. Display WebP images on your website: To ensure that WebP images are displayed correctly on your website, you may need to make some adjustments to your theme or website settings. Some plugins automatically replace the existing image files with the WebP versions, while others require additional configuration. Refer to the documentation or support resources provided by the WebP plugin you installed for guidance on how to display WebP images on your website.

By following these steps, you'll be able to upload WebP images to your WordPress website and optimize your site's performance by utilizing this modern image format.