php code to hide plugin update for wordpress

To hide plugin updates in WordPress, you can use the site_transient_update_plugins filter to modify the update information for plugins. Here's an example of PHP code that you can use:

function hide_plugin_updates($value) {
    return $value;
add_filter('site_transient_update_plugins', 'hide_plugin_updates');

Let's go through each step of the code and explain what it does:

  1. Function Definition: The code starts by defining a function called hide_plugin_updates. This function will be used to modify the update information for plugins.

  2. Function Parameters: The function takes one parameter, $value, which represents the update information for plugins.

  3. Unsetting Plugin Update: Inside the function, we use the unset() function to remove a specific plugin from the update information. In the example code, 'plugin-folder/plugin-file.php' should be replaced with the actual folder and file name of the plugin that you want to hide the update for. You can find the folder and file name of a plugin in the WordPress dashboard under "Plugins" -> "Installed Plugins".

  4. Returning Modified Value: After removing the plugin update, we return the modified $value back to the filter. This ensures that the modified update information is used instead of the original.

  5. Adding Filter: Finally, we use the add_filter() function to add our custom filter to the site_transient_update_plugins hook. This hook is responsible for displaying the plugin update information in the WordPress dashboard.

By adding this code to your WordPress theme's functions.php file or a custom plugin, you can hide the update for the specified plugin. Make sure to replace 'plugin-folder/plugin-file.php' with the actual plugin folder and file name that you want to hide the update for.

If you need further assistance, feel free to ask!