password change logout from wordpress

To change the password and log out from WordPress, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard. This is usually done by adding "/wp-admin" to the end of your website's URL and entering your username and password.

  2. Once logged in, locate the sidebar menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Scroll down and click on "Users" to expand the options.

  3. From the expanded options, click on "Your Profile." This will take you to the user profile page.

  4. On the user profile page, scroll down until you find the "Account Management" section.

  5. Within the "Account Management" section, you will see a field labeled "New Password." Click on the "Generate Password" button next to it.

  6. WordPress will automatically generate a strong password for you. If you prefer, you can manually enter your own password in the field. Make sure to choose a strong and unique password to enhance security.

  7. After entering or generating your new password, click on the "Update Profile" button at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

  8. Once the profile is updated, you will be automatically logged out of your WordPress account for security purposes.

By following these steps, you will be able to change your password and log out from WordPress effectively.