if post checked category wordpress

  1. Access your WordPress dashboard by logging into your WordPress site.

  2. Navigate to the "Posts" section on the left-hand sidebar of the dashboard.

  3. Click on the "Posts" option to view all your existing posts.

  4. Hover your mouse over the post you want to check or edit the category for. Click on the post title or the "Edit" option that appears below the title.

  5. Once you're in the post editor, look for the "Categories" meta box on the right-hand side of the screen.

  6. Check the box next to the category you want to assign to the post. If the post is already assigned to the "WordPress" category, it will have a checkmark next to it. If not, click on the checkbox to add the "WordPress" category to the post.

  7. If needed, you can also uncheck the box next to the category to remove it from the post.

  8. After making changes, remember to click the "Update" button to save the changes you've made to the post's category assignment.

  9. Once updated, you can view the post on your website to confirm that the "WordPress" category is now assigned to the post.

Remember that these steps might slightly differ depending on your WordPress theme or any plugins you have installed, but the general process remains the same.