how to get all roles in wordpress

To get all roles in WordPress, you can follow these steps:

  1. Use the wp_roles() function to retrieve an instance of the WP_Roles class, which manages the roles and capabilities in WordPress.

  2. Call the get_names() method on the WP_Roles instance to get an array of all role names.

  3. Iterate over the array of role names to access each role individually.

  4. Optionally, you can use the get_role() method on the WP_Roles instance to retrieve a WP_Role object for a specific role name. This allows you to access more detailed information about each role.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to get all roles in WordPress:

$roles = wp_roles()->get_names();

foreach ($roles as $role => $name) {
    echo "Role: " . $role . ", Name: " . $name . "<br>";

In this example, the wp_roles() function is used to retrieve the WP_Roles instance, and the get_names() method is called to get an array of role names. Then, a foreach loop is used to iterate over the array and echo out the role name and its associated display name.

Remember to include this code within the appropriate context, such as a WordPress theme file or a custom plugin.