How to get a WordPress post by slug

To get a WordPress post by slug, you can follow the steps below:

  1. First, you need to access the WordPress database. You can do this by using a tool like phpMyAdmin or by logging into your hosting account and accessing the database through the control panel.

  2. Once you have accessed the database, locate the table named "wp_posts" (assuming the default WordPress database prefix is used). This table stores all the posts on your WordPress site.

  3. In the "wp_posts" table, find the column named "post_name". This column contains the slugs for each post.

  4. Search for the specific slug you are looking for in the "post_name" column. You can use the SQL query language to perform this search. Here's an example of an SQL query you can use:

sql SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'your-post-slug';

Replace 'your-post-slug' with the actual slug you want to search for.

  1. Execute the SQL query, and it will return the post(s) matching the slug you provided. The result will include various information about the post, such as the post title, content, author, date, etc.

Note: If you have multiple posts with the same slug, the query will return all of them.

That's it! You have successfully obtained a WordPress post by its slug. Remember to replace 'your-post-slug' in the SQL query with the actual slug you want to search for.