how to do taxonomy filter in wordpress

To create a taxonomy filter in WordPress, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Custom Taxonomy:
  2. Go to your theme's functions.php file.
  3. Use the register_taxonomy() function to create a custom taxonomy.
  4. Provide a name, singular name, and plural name for your taxonomy.
  5. Specify the post types where the taxonomy will be applicable.

  6. Add Terms to the Taxonomy:

  7. Go to the WordPress admin dashboard.
  8. Click on "Posts" or "Pages" and select "Categories" or "Tags" (depending on the taxonomy you created).
  9. Add terms to the taxonomy by entering a name, slug, and optional description for each term.
  10. Save the terms.

  11. Display the Taxonomy Filter:

  12. Edit the template file where you want to display the taxonomy filter (e.g., archive.php, category.php).
  13. Use the get_terms() function to retrieve the terms of your custom taxonomy.
  14. Loop through the terms and display them as filter options using HTML markup and appropriate CSS classes.
  15. Use the get_query_var() function to get the selected term value from the URL query string.
  16. Apply the selected term value to the query using the tax_query parameter.

  17. Update Permalinks:

  18. Go to the WordPress admin dashboard.
  19. Click on "Settings" and select "Permalinks".
  20. Save the permalink settings to update the URLs.

  21. Test the Taxonomy Filter:

  22. Visit the page where you added the taxonomy filter.
  23. Select different terms from the filter options.
  24. Verify that the page displays the filtered content correctly.

Remember to customize the code and CSS classes according to your specific needs.