how to display list of all pages in wordpress

To display a list of all pages in WordPress, you can follow these steps:

  1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Go to the "Appearance" menu and click on "Widgets".
  3. Locate the widget area where you want to display the list of pages and click on the corresponding "Add a Widget" button.
  4. In the widget search bar, type "Pages" and select the "Pages" widget from the available options.
  5. Drag and drop the "Pages" widget into the desired widget area.
  6. Configure the widget settings:
  7. Title: Enter a title for the widget (optional).
  8. Sort by: Choose how you want the pages to be sorted (e.g., by title, by date).
  9. Sort order: Select the order in which you want the pages to be displayed (e.g., ascending, descending).
  10. Exclude: Enter the IDs of any pages you want to exclude from the list (optional).
  11. Depth: Specify the depth of the page hierarchy to display (e.g., 0 for top-level pages only, 1 for top-level and their immediate child pages).
  12. Show page hierarchy: Check this box if you want to display the page hierarchy (parent-child relationship) in the list.
  13. Display as dropdown: Check this box if you want to display the pages as a dropdown menu.
  14. Once you have configured the settings, click on the "Save" or "Publish" button to save the widget.
  15. Visit your website's front-end to see the list of pages displayed in the chosen widget area.

Note: The specific steps may vary slightly depending on the version of WordPress or the theme you are using.