wordpress do shortcode

  1. Locate the functions.php file in your WordPress theme directory.

  2. Open the functions.php file using a code editor.

  3. Add a new function to define the shortcode. Use the add_shortcode function with a unique name for your shortcode and specify a callback function.

function my_custom_shortcode_function() {
    // Your shortcode logic goes here
    return 'Hello, this is my shortcode content.';

add_shortcode('my_shortcode', 'my_custom_shortcode_function');
  1. Save the changes to the functions.php file.

  2. In your WordPress editor, create or edit a post or page where you want to use the shortcode.

  3. Insert the shortcode in the post or page content using the name you specified in the add_shortcode function.

  1. Save or update the post or page.

  2. View the post or page on the front end of your site to see the shortcode output.

Note: Make sure the shortcode name is unique to avoid conflicts with other shortcodes. Customize the content and logic inside the callback function according to your requirements.