debug wordpress errors

  1. Enable WP_DEBUG in wp-config.php: define( 'WP_DEBUG', true);
    • This command enables the debug mode in WordPress, allowing you to see PHP errors, notices, and warnings.
  2. Check error logs: wp-content/debug.log
    • This file will contain a log of any PHP errors occurring on your WordPress site, providing valuable information for debugging.
  3. Deactivate plugins and switch to a default theme
    • Deactivating plugins and switching to a default theme can help identify if any of them are causing the errors on the site.
  4. Check for syntax errors
    • Inspect your code for any syntax errors that may be causing the problem. Fixing these errors can resolve the issue.
  5. Increase memory limit: define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
    • Increasing the memory limit can help prevent errors related to insufficient memory while running WordPress.
  6. Check for outdated software
    • Make sure that your WordPress installation, theme, and plugins are up to date, as outdated software can lead to compatibility issues and errors.
  7. Test on different browsers
    • Testing your site on different browsers can help identify if the errors are browser-specific, which may require different solutions.
  8. Seek support from the WordPress community or developers
    • If you're unable to resolve the errors on your own, reaching out to the WordPress community or developers can provide additional assistance and insights.