do shortcode wordpress

  1. Identify Shortcode: Determine the shortcode you want to use in WordPress. Shortcodes are enclosed in square brackets, like [shortcode].

  2. Create a Function: Develop a function in your theme's functions.php file or within a custom plugin. Use the add_shortcode function to define the shortcode and link it to a function that generates the desired content.

  3. Define Function Logic: Inside the function, specify the logic for the shortcode. This could involve querying a database, processing data, or generating HTML content dynamically.

  4. Return Content: Ensure the function returns the content you want to display when the shortcode is used. This content could be text, HTML, PHP, or a combination, depending on your requirements.

  5. Insert Shortcode: Place the shortcode within your WordPress content (pages, posts, widgets) where you want the associated content to appear. Use the format [shortcode] in the editor.

  6. Save Changes: Save the changes made to the functions.php file or the custom plugin.

  7. Preview and Test: Preview your WordPress page or post containing the shortcode. Check if the shortcode successfully generates and displays the intended content on the front end of your site.

  8. Adjust and Debug: If the shortcode doesn't display the expected content or encounters errors, review the function, ensure correct syntax, and debug any issues that arise.

Remember to backup your files before making changes and ensure proper testing to avoid any disruptions to your site's functionality.