vuex-module-decorators access other state

To access other state in a Vue Vuex module using the vuex-module-decorators library, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary Vuex decorators: Import the Module, VuexModule, and getModule decorators from the vuex-module-decorators library.

  2. Create a new TypeScript class: Create a new class and decorate it with the Module decorator from vuex-module-decorators. This decorator takes an options object where you can specify the module name, dynamic, and other options.

  3. Extend the class with VuexModule: Extend the class with the VuexModule decorator from vuex-module-decorators. This will provide the necessary functionality to access the Vuex store.

  4. Define the state: Inside the class, define the state properties that you want to access. Each state property should have an initial value.

  5. Use getModule to access other state: To access other state properties from within your module, use the getModule decorator. This decorator takes the module class as an argument and returns an instance of that module class.

  6. Access other state properties: Once you have the instance of the module class, you can access other state properties using dot notation. For example, if you have a module called userModule and a state property called loggedIn, you can access it like this: userModule.loggedIn.

Remember to import the necessary decorators, create a module class, extend it with VuexModule, define the state properties, use getModule to access other state, and finally, access the state properties using dot notation.