Vuex body skeleton

  1. Import Vue and Vuex: In order to use Vue.js and Vuex in your project, you need to import them. Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, and Vuex is a state management pattern and library for Vue applications.

  2. Create a new Vue instance: Use the Vue constructor to create a new Vue instance. This will serve as the entry point for your application.

  3. Import Vuex and create a new store: Import the Vuex library and use the createStore function to create a new Vuex store. The store is where your application's state will be managed.

  4. Define the state: Inside the store, define the initial state of your application. This is where you store the data that will be shared across multiple components.

  5. Define mutations: Mutations are functions that are responsible for changing the state in a Vuex store. Define mutations to specify how the state should be updated when certain actions are triggered.

  6. Define actions: Actions are functions that are used to trigger mutations. They can be asynchronous and can be used to perform tasks such as fetching data from an API before updating the state.

  7. Define getters: Getters are functions that allow you to access and compute derived state from the store.

  8. Export the store: Export the created store so that it can be imported and used in your Vue components.

Note: Please refer to the Vue and Vuex documentation for more detailed explanations and examples of each step.