vuex add multiple payload to mutation

// In your store file (store.js or wherever you define your Vuex store)
const state = {
  // Your state properties...

const mutations = {
  // Your other mutations...

  SET_MULTIPLE_VALUES(state, payload) {
    state.property1 = payload.value1;
    state.property2 = payload.value2;
    // Add more properties as needed

const actions = {
  // Your other actions...

  setMultipleValues({ commit }, payload) {
    commit('SET_MULTIPLE_VALUES', payload);

This example assumes you have a Vuex store with a state that contains multiple properties. The SET_MULTIPLE_VALUES mutation takes in a payload object containing values for different properties in the state. The setMultipleValues action commits the SET_MULTIPLE_VALUES mutation with the payload received. Adjust the mutation and action names, as well as the state properties and their assignments, according to your specific use case.