vuelidate required if another props

In Vue.js, you can use vuelidate to validate your form inputs. If you want to make a field required only if another prop has a certain value, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary libraries:
  2. Import the required rule from vuelidate: import { required } from 'vuelidate/lib/validators'.

  3. Define your data properties and validation rules:

  4. Create a new Vue component and define the necessary data properties.
  5. Use the validations property to define the validation rules for your data properties.
  6. Assign the required rule to the field you want to make required if another prop has a certain value.

  7. Implement a computed property:

  8. Create a computed property that returns the validation rule based on the value of the other prop.
  9. Use the v-if directive to conditionally apply the validation rule to the field.

  10. Apply the validation rule to your form field:

  11. Use the v-model directive to bind the form field to the corresponding data property.
  12. Use the v-bind directive to bind the computed property that returns the validation rule to the vuelidate directive.

  13. Display the validation error message (optional):

  14. Use the v-if directive to conditionally display the validation error message.
  15. Access the validation error message using the $error object and the name of the data property.

By following these steps, you can make a field required only if another prop has a certain value using vuelidate in Vue.js.