Vuejs watch for nested data

To watch for nested data in Vue.js, you can use the deep option in the watch property. The deep option allows you to monitor changes in nested properties of an object. Here are the steps to implement this:

  1. Define the data property: First, define the data property that contains the nested object you want to watch. For example, let's say you have a data property named myData that contains a nested object.

  2. Add a watch property: In the watch property of your Vue component, create a new property with the same name as the nested object you want to watch. In this case, the property name would be myData.

  3. Specify the handler function: Assign a function to the property you created in the watch object. This function will be called whenever the nested object or any of its properties change.

  4. Specify the deep option: Inside the handler function, you can access the new and old values of the nested object using the parameters newVal and oldVal. To enable deep watching, add the deep: true option as the second argument to the watch method.

Example code:

new Vue({
  data: {
    myData: {
      nestedProperty: 'initial value'
  watch: {
    myData: {
      deep: true,
      handler(newVal, oldVal) {
        console.log('Nested object changed!');
        console.log('New Value:', newVal);
        console.log('Old Value:', oldVal);

In this example, whenever the myData object or any of its nested properties change, the handler function will be called. The newVal parameter represents the new value of the object, and the oldVal parameter represents the previous value.

By using the deep: true option, Vue.js will perform a deep comparison of the object's properties to detect changes, including changes in nested properties.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to watch for nested data in Vue.js!