vuejs vscode unbound breakpoint

  1. Open Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
  2. Install the Vue.js extension for VSCode. This extension allows you to work with Vue.js projects more efficiently.
  3. Create a new Vue project or open an existing one in VSCode.
  4. Set a breakpoint in your code where you want the debugger to pause execution and allow you to inspect variables and step through the code.
  5. Start the debugger in VSCode by clicking on the "Run and Debug" icon in the sidebar, or by using the F5 key.
  6. Once the debugger is running, navigate to the page or trigger the code that will reach the breakpoint.
  7. The debugger will pause execution at the breakpoint, and you can now inspect variables and step through the code line by line using the controls provided by the debugger.
  8. Use the debugger's interface to examine the values of variables and objects at the current breakpoint, as well as step through the code to see how it executes.
  9. Continue stepping through the code or resume execution until you reach the desired point or finish debugging.
  10. Once you are finished debugging, you can stop the debugger by either clicking the "Stop" button in the VSCode debugger interface or by terminating the debugging session.

Please note that the above steps are a general guide for setting up and using the debugger in Vue.js projects in VSCode. The specific steps and tools may vary depending on your project setup and debugging requirements. It is always recommended to refer to the official documentation and resources for more detailed instructions and troubleshooting.