vuejs react on route chagne

To react to route changes in Vue.js, you can use the built-in Vue Router library. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Import the Vue Router: Begin by importing the Vue Router library into your Vue component.

  2. Create a Vue Router instance: Next, create a new instance of the Vue Router using the VueRouter constructor.

  3. Define routes: Define the routes for your application using the routes option. Each route should include a path and a component.

  4. Mount the Vue Router: Mount the Vue Router instance to your Vue application using the router option in the Vue instance.

  5. React to route changes: To react to route changes, you can use the beforeEach method provided by the Vue Router. This method allows you to execute code before each route change.

  6. Implement the route change logic: Inside the beforeEach method, you can implement the logic to react to route changes. This can include updating data, making API calls, or performing any other actions based on the new route.

  7. Navigation guard: Optionally, you can use the navigation guard provided by the Vue Router to prevent or allow route changes based on certain conditions. This can be useful for implementing authentication or authorization logic.

  8. Cleanup: Finally, remember to clean up any resources or subscriptions that you may have created in the route change logic when the component is destroyed.

By following these steps, you can react to route changes in your Vue.js application using the Vue Router library.