vuejs nested v-for

Nested v-for in Vue.js allows you to loop through multiple arrays or objects within each other to generate dynamic content. Here are the steps to implement nested v-for:

  1. Start by defining the outer v-for loop. This loop will iterate over the parent array or object. Use the v-for directive followed by the item name and the source data.

  2. Inside the outer v-for loop, add an HTML element where you want to display the content for each item in the parent array or object.

  3. Within the element, add a second v-for loop to iterate over the child array or object. Use the v-for directive again, this time specifying the item name and the source data for the child loop.

  4. Inside the inner v-for loop, you can access the properties or values of the child array or object using the item name specified in the loop.

  5. Finally, you can display the desired content using the item properties or values within the nested v-for loop.

By following these steps, you can effectively use nested v-for in Vue.js to generate dynamic content based on multiple arrays or objects.