vuejs input text

  1. Import the Vue library: Begin by importing the Vue library by adding the following line at the beginning of your code: import Vue from 'vue'

  2. Create a Vue instance: Set up a new Vue instance by defining a new variable and assigning it the value of a new Vue instance. This can be done using the following code: var app = new Vue({})

  3. Define data properties: Inside the Vue instance, define the data properties that you want to use in your application. These properties can be accessed and modified within the Vue instance. For example, you can define a data property called message with an initial value of an empty string like this: data: { message: '' }

  4. Bind the input element to the data property: In your HTML code, create an input element and use the v-model directive to bind it to the message data property. This will ensure that any changes made to the input element will be reflected in the message property and vice versa. Here is an example: <input v-model="message" type="text">

  5. Use the data property in your application: You can now use the value of the message data property in your application. For example, you can display it in a paragraph element by using the double curly brace syntax like this: <p>{{ message }}</p>

  6. Mount the Vue instance: Finally, mount the Vue instance to an element in your HTML code. This will render the Vue application and make it functional. Choose an element in your HTML code and add the following code to mount the Vue instance: app.$mount('#app')

  7. Test the input functionality: Open your application in a web browser and start typing in the input field. You should see that the value you type is automatically displayed in the paragraph element below the input field.

These steps will allow you to create an input text field using Vue.js and bind it to a data property within a Vue instance.