vuejs input call the value

    <input v-model="inputValue" @input="handleInput" />
    <p>Input Value: {{ inputValue }}</p>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      inputValue: ""
  methods: {
    handleInput() {
      // Handle input logic if needed

/ Add your styles here if needed /


  1. In the template section, an input element is defined with v-model="inputValue". This establishes a two-way binding between the input field and the inputValue data property.

  2. The @input event listener is used to call the handleInput method when the input value changes. This method can be used to perform any additional logic needed when the input changes.

  3. Inside the data function, the inputValue data property is initialized as an empty string. This property holds the value entered in the input field.

  4. Below the input field, a paragraph (<p>) displays the current value of the input using double curly braces {{ inputValue }} to interpolate the value.

  5. In the methods section, there is a handleInput method defined. You can customize this method to include any specific logic you want to execute when the input value changes.

  6. The style section is included for adding styles if needed, but it's optional based on your requirements.