vuejs get value of checkbox group

To get the value of a checkbox group in Vue.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a data property in your Vue instance to store the selected checkbox values. For example, you can define a property called "selectedOptions" and initialize it as an empty array:

data() { return { selectedOptions: [] } }

  1. In your template, use the v-model directive to bind the checkbox inputs to the "selectedOptions" property. Make sure to use the same array for the v-model and :value attributes:

<template> <div> <input type="checkbox" value="option1" v-model="selectedOptions"> <input type="checkbox" value="option2" v-model="selectedOptions"> <input type="checkbox" value="option3" v-model="selectedOptions"> </div> </template>

  1. To access the selected values, you can simply use the "selectedOptions" array in your Vue component's methods or computed properties. For example, you can log the selected values to the console:

methods: { logSelectedOptions() { console.log(this.selectedOptions); } }

Alternatively, you can use a computed property to return the selected values:

computed: { selectedValues() { return this.selectedOptions.join(', '); } }

In this example, the join() method is used to concatenate the selected options into a comma-separated string.

By following these steps, you can get the value of a checkbox group in Vue.js.