vuejs events modifier

The events modifier in Vue.js allows you to modify the behavior of an event listener in various ways. There are several event modifiers available in Vue.js, each serving a specific purpose. Here is an explanation of each event modifier:

  1. .stop - This modifier stops the event propagation. It prevents the event from propagating further up the DOM tree.

  2. .prevent - This modifier prevents the default behavior of an event. For example, if you have a form submission event, using .prevent will prevent the form from being submitted.

  3. .capture - This modifier adds the event listener in the capture phase instead of the default bubbling phase. The capture phase starts from the top of the DOM tree and goes down to the target element.

  4. .self - This modifier only triggers the event listener if the event is dispatched from the element itself, not from its children.

  5. .once - This modifier ensures that the event listener is only called once and then automatically removed.

  6. .passive - This modifier is used for touch and wheel events to improve scrolling performance. It tells the browser that the event listener will not call preventDefault(), allowing the browser to optimize its behavior.

  7. .native - This modifier attaches the event listener to the root element of a component instead of the component itself. It is useful when you want to listen to native events on a component.

  8. .sync - This modifier is used with custom events to enable two-way binding between a parent component and its child component. It allows the child component to update a property in the parent component directly.

These event modifiers provide flexibility and control over event handling in Vue.js applications. By understanding and utilizing these modifiers, you can enhance the interactivity and functionality of your Vue.js components.