VueJS - getting the last element of a split string array

Certainly! You can achieve this in Vue.js by splitting a string into an array and then retrieving the last element. Here are the steps:

  1. Splitting the string into an array: Use the JavaScript split() method to split the string into an array based on a delimiter. For instance: javascript let str = "Hello World!"; let strArray = str.split(' '); // Splits the string at spaces

  2. Accessing the last element of the array: Once you have the array, you can access its last element using array indexing. To get the last element: javascript let lastElement = strArray[strArray.length - 1];

In this case, strArray.length - 1 calculates the index of the last element in the array.

So, if str is "Hello World!", after performing the steps above, lastElement would contain "World!".