vue.js props undefined type

Explanation of Undefined Type Error in Vue.js Props

  1. Check Prop Definition: Verify that the prop is properly defined in the component's props section.

  2. Ensure Prop is Passed: Confirm that the prop is being passed to the component in the parent template or component.

  3. Type Validation: If the prop has a specific type, ensure that the passed value matches the expected type.

  4. Default Value: If a default value is provided for the prop, make sure that it is being used correctly.

  5. Parent Component Inspection: Check the parent component to ensure that the prop is being passed correctly and that its value is what you expect.

  6. Console Logging: Use console.log to log the prop value within the component to inspect its actual value.

  7. Debugger: Utilize the Vue DevTools or browser debugger to inspect the component's props and their values during runtime.

  8. Component Instance: Verify that the correct component instance is being used and that there are no duplicate components causing unexpected prop behavior.