vue.js function to always uppercase when the client input lowercase

To achieve the functionality of converting client input from lowercase to uppercase in a Vue.js application, you can use the v-model directive along with a computed property and a method. Here are the steps to implement this functionality:

  1. In your Vue component template, create an input field and bind it to a data property using the v-model directive. This will allow you to capture the client's input.

html <template> <div> <input v-model="inputText" type="text" /> </div> </template>

  1. In the data section of your Vue component, define the inputText property to store the client's input.



  1. Create a computed property named uppercaseText to convert the inputText to uppercase. This property will be used to display the converted text in the template.



  1. In the template, bind the uppercaseText computed property to a display element to show the converted text.

html <template> <div> <input v-model="inputText" type="text" /> <div>{{ uppercaseText }}</div> </div> </template>

  1. Lastly, add a method to handle any changes made to inputText and convert it to uppercase. This method will be triggered whenever the client modifies the input field.



That's it! Now, whenever the client inputs lowercase text, it will automatically be converted to uppercase and displayed in the template.