
  1. Install vue-jstree package using npm:

npm install vue-jstree

  1. Import and register the vue-jstree component in your Vue component:

```javascript import 'vue-jstree/dist/vue-jstree.css'; import Jstree from 'vue-jstree';

export default { components: { Jstree, }, // other component options... }; ```

  1. Use the <Jstree> component in your template:

html <template> <div> <Jstree :data="treeData" /> </div> </template>

  1. Define the tree data in your component's data:

javascript export default { data() { return { treeData: [ { id: 'node1', text: 'Node 1', children: [ { id: 'node1.1', text: 'Node 1.1' }, { id: 'node1.2', text: 'Node 1.2' }, ], }, { id: 'node2', text: 'Node 2', }, ], }; }, // other component options... };

  1. Customize the appearance and behavior of the tree by using props:

html <template> <div> <Jstree :data="treeData" :config="{ core: { multiple: false } }" :themes="{ theme: 'default-dark' }" /> </div> </template>

Adjust the config and themes props according to your requirements.

  1. Handle events emitted by the tree:



Implement the handleSelectNode method to respond to node selection events.

  1. Explore additional features and configurations provided by vue-jstree based on your project requirements and the official documentation: