if else if vue

Certainly! Here's an example of using v-if, v-else-if, and v-else in Vue.js along with explanations for each step:

    <p v-if="status === 'success'">Success!</p>
    <p v-else-if="status === 'pending'">Pending...</p>
    <p v-else>Error!</p>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      status: 'success' // Change this value to see different outputs

Explanation: 1. <p v-if="status === 'success'">Success!</p>: This line checks if the status data property is equal to 'success'. If it is, it will display the "Success!" message.

  1. <p v-else-if="status === 'pending'">Pending...</p>: If the status is not 'success', this line checks if the status is 'pending'. If it is, it will display the "Pending..." message.

  2. <p v-else>Error!</p>: If the status is neither 'success' nor 'pending', this line serves as a fallback and displays the "Error!" message.

  3. In the JavaScript section (<script>), the data() method initializes the status data property with the value 'success'. You can change this value to 'pending' or anything else to see different messages based on the condition checks in the template.