vue slice words

To slice words in Vue, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, you need to create a Vue instance. This can be done by importing the Vue library and initializing a new Vue instance with the new Vue() syntax.

  2. In the data property of the Vue instance, define a variable to hold the input word or sentence that you want to slice. This can be done using the data object and adding a property for the variable.

  3. Create a computed property to perform the word slicing. Computed properties in Vue are functions that return a computed value based on the data properties.

  4. Inside the computed property, use the split() method to split the input word or sentence into an array of individual words. This method takes a delimiter as an argument, which can be a space or any other character you want to use to split the words.

  5. Access the individual words in the array using the index position. You can use the slice() method to extract a specific portion of the array based on the start and end index.

  6. Finally, in your Vue template, display the sliced words by using the computed property in the HTML markup.

Here's an example code snippet to illustrate the steps mentioned above:

    <input v-model="inputWord" type="text" placeholder="Enter a word or sentence" />
    <p>{{ slicedWords }}</p>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      inputWord: '',
  computed: {
    slicedWords() {
      const wordsArray = this.inputWord.split(' ');
      const sliced = wordsArray.slice(1, 3); // This will slice words from index 1 to index 2
      return sliced.join(' ');

In the above example, the input word or sentence is bound to the inputWord variable using the v-model directive. The computed property slicedWords splits the input into an array of words and then uses the slice() method to extract the desired portion of the array. The sliced words are then joined back into a string using the join() method before being displayed in the Vue template.