vue router 404 page

To create a 404 page in Vue Router, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary components: Start by importing the components you will need for your 404 page. This may include a layout component, a header component, a navigation component, and a content component.

  2. Create a new Vue component: Use the Vue CLI or manually create a new Vue component file for your 404 page. You can name it something like "NotFound.vue".

  3. Define the template: Inside the "NotFound.vue" component, define the template for your 404 page. This may include HTML markup for the layout, header, navigation, and content sections.

  4. Customize the content: Customize the content of the 404 page to fit your needs. You can add a heading, a description, and any other relevant information that you want to display to users when they encounter a 404 error.

  5. Add route configuration: In your router configuration file (typically named "router.js" or "index.js"), add a route for the 404 page. This route should have a path that will match any non-existent routes. For example, you can use the path "*" to match all routes that are not explicitly defined.

  6. Set the component for the 404 route: In the route configuration, specify the component that you created for the 404 page. Assign it to the route for non-existent routes. For example, you can set the component property to "NotFound" for the 404 route.

  7. Test the 404 page: Test your 404 page by accessing a non-existent route in your application. You should see the custom content you defined in the "NotFound.vue" component.

By following these steps, you can create a custom 404 page in Vue Router to handle non-existent routes and provide a better user experience.