vue rails turbolink don't load

  1. Check if Vue.js and Turbolinks are installed
  2. Verify that you have installed Vue.js and Turbolinks in your project by checking the package.json file or using a package manager like npm or yarn.

  3. Check if Vue.js and Turbolinks are being imported correctly

  4. Make sure that you are importing both Vue.js and Turbolinks in your application.
  5. In your JavaScript file, check if you have the following import statements: javascript import Vue from 'vue' import Turbolinks from 'turbolinks'

  6. Initialize Vue.js and Turbolinks

  7. In your JavaScript file, initialize Vue.js and Turbolinks. Make sure you are doing this after the import statements. javascript Vue.use(Turbolinks)

  8. Ensure Vue.js components are properly set up

  9. Check if your Vue.js components are set up correctly.
  10. Verify that you have defined your Vue.js components with a template, script, and style section.
  11. Make sure that your Vue.js components are registered with Vue and are being used in your application.

  12. Ensure Turbolinks events are handled correctly

  13. Turbolinks and Vue.js can sometimes conflict with each other, especially when handling events.
  14. Make sure that you are handling Turbolinks events properly in your Vue.js components. For example, you can use the turbolinks:load event to initialize your Vue.js components when the page loads.
  15. Here's an example of how you can handle the turbolinks:load event in a Vue.js component: javascript export default { mounted() { document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', this.initializeComponent) }, destroyed() { document.removeEventListener('turbolinks:load', this.initializeComponent) }, methods: { initializeComponent() { // Code to initialize the component } } }

  16. Check for any error messages or console logs

  17. Inspect the browser's console for any error messages or warnings related to Vue.js or Turbolinks.
  18. Address any error messages or warnings accordingly.

  19. Consider using the Vue.js TurboLinks gem

  20. If you are using Ruby on Rails, you can consider using the vuejs-turbolinks gem to simplify the integration of Vue.js and Turbolinks.
  21. Install the vuejs-turbolinks gem by adding it to your Gemfile and running the appropriate commands to install and configure it.
  22. Follow the documentation of the vuejs-turbolinks gem to properly configure your Vue.js components to work with Turbolinks.


The steps provided above are general guidelines for troubleshooting the issue of Vue.js and Turbolinks not loading. The specific steps may vary depending on your project setup and requirements.