Vue multiple slot

  1. Start by defining the component that will contain the multiple slots. This can be done using the Vue component syntax, such as Vue.component('my-component', { ... }).

  2. Within the component definition, declare the slots that you want to use. This can be done using the <slot> element. For example, <slot name="header"></slot> declares a slot named "header".

  3. In the component's template, use the <slot> element to indicate where the content for each slot should be rendered. This is typically done by adding the v-slot directive to the element. For example, <slot name="header" v-slot:header></slot> will render the content passed into the "header" slot.

  4. When using the component, provide the content for each slot using the slot's name. This is done by wrapping the content with a <template> element and using the v-slot directive. For example, <template v-slot:header>...</template> will provide the content for the "header" slot.

  5. You can also provide default content for a slot by placing it directly within the <slot> element. This default content will be used if no content is provided for the slot. For example, <slot name="header">Default Header</slot> will render "Default Header" if no content is provided for the "header" slot.

  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for each slot that you want to use in your component.

  7. To display the component with the provided content, include it in your template using its component tag. For example, <my-component></my-component> will render the component with the provided slot content.

  8. The content provided for each slot will be rendered in the corresponding <slot> element within the component's template.

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