vue js store and retrieve api data to localstorage

To store and retrieve API data in Vue.js using local storage, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a Vue instance: Set up a new Vue instance using the Vue constructor function.

  2. Create a data property: Declare a data property in the Vue instance to store the API data.

  3. Make an API request: Use a library like Axios or Vue Resource to make an HTTP request to the API and fetch the data.

  4. Store data in local storage: Once you receive the API response, store the data in the local storage using the localStorage.setItem() method. You can convert the data to a JSON string using JSON.stringify() before storing it.

  5. Retrieve data from local storage: To retrieve the stored data from local storage, use the localStorage.getItem() method. You can parse the JSON string back into an object using JSON.parse().

  6. Update the data property: Assign the retrieved data to the data property declared in step 2.

By following these steps, you can store and retrieve API data in local storage in Vue.js. This allows you to persist the data even if the user refreshes the page or closes the browser.