vue js skeleton loading

  1. Import Vue and the necessary components from the Vue library.
  2. Create a new Vue component using the Vue.extend() method.
  3. Define the template for the component using the <template> tag.
  4. Use the <div> tag to wrap the content that will be displayed while the skeleton loading is active.
  5. Add a CSS class to the wrapping <div> to style it as a skeleton loading effect.
  6. Use conditional rendering to display the skeleton loading effect or the actual content based on a flag or a data property.
  7. Export the component so that it can be used in other parts of the application.
  8. In the parent component, import the skeleton loading component.
  9. Use the skeleton loading component within the parent component's template.
  10. Bind the flag or data property from the skeleton loading component to control when the skeleton loading effect is displayed.
  11. Optionally, provide props to the skeleton loading component to customize its appearance or behavior.
  12. Update the flag or data property in the parent component as needed to toggle between the skeleton loading effect and the actual content.