vue js override component css

To override the CSS of a Vue.js component, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the component: Determine the specific component whose CSS you want to override. This can be done by locating the component's file or by inspecting the rendered HTML to find the component's class or ID.

  2. Create a new CSS file: In your project's directory, create a new CSS file. You can name it anything you like, such as "custom.css".

  3. Import the CSS file: In the component's script section, import the CSS file using the import statement. For example, if your CSS file is named "custom.css" and is located in the same directory as the component file, you can import it like this:

import './custom.css';
  1. Write your CSS rules: In the CSS file, write the CSS rules that you want to override for the component. Make sure to use the appropriate class or ID selector to target the component specifically. For example, if your component has a class of "my-component", you can write CSS rules like this:
.my-component {
  / your custom CSS rules here /
  1. Save the CSS file: Save the CSS file to ensure that your changes are applied.

  2. Verify the changes: Reload your application and check if the CSS changes have been applied to the component. Inspect the rendered HTML to ensure that the overridden CSS rules are being used.

By following these steps, you can successfully override the CSS of a Vue.js component.