vue js hooks

Vue.js hooks are a feature in the Vue.js framework that allow developers to add reactive behavior to their components. These hooks are functions that are called at specific points during the component's lifecycle.

  1. beforeCreate: This hook is called before the component is created. It is useful for initializing data and setting up any necessary configurations.

  2. created: This hook is called after the component has been created. It is useful for making API calls, setting up event listeners, and performing other initialization tasks.

  3. beforeMount: This hook is called before the component is mounted to the DOM. It is useful for performing any necessary preparations before the component is rendered.

  4. mounted: This hook is called after the component has been mounted to the DOM. It is useful for accessing the DOM, setting up timers, and interacting with other JavaScript libraries.

  5. beforeUpdate: This hook is called before the component is updated. It is useful for performing any necessary cleanup or preparations before the component's data changes.

  6. updated: This hook is called after the component has been updated. It is useful for performing any necessary DOM manipulations or other actions that need to happen after the component's data changes.

  7. beforeUnmount: This hook is called before the component is unmounted from the DOM. It is useful for performing any necessary cleanup or preparations before the component is removed from the page.

  8. unmounted: This hook is called after the component has been unmounted from the DOM. It is useful for performing any necessary cleanup or actions that need to happen after the component is removed from the page.

These hooks provide developers with a way to add custom logic and behavior to their Vue.js components at specific points during their lifecycle. By using these hooks, developers can create more dynamic and interactive applications.