vue js destroyed

  1. The first step is to import Vue into your project. You can do this by including the Vue library in your HTML file using a script tag, or by using a package manager like npm or yarn to install Vue.

  2. Next, you need to create a new Vue instance. This can be done by calling the Vue constructor and passing in an object with various options. These options include data, methods, computed properties, and more.

  3. Once you have your Vue instance set up, you can start defining your application's template. This is done using the Vue template syntax, which allows you to bind data and methods to your HTML markup.

  4. After defining your template, you need to mount your Vue instance to an element in your HTML file. This is done by calling the $mount method on your Vue instance and passing in a selector or element.

  5. At this point, your Vue application is up and running. You can now interact with your application by modifying the data properties, calling methods, and using computed properties.

  6. When you're done with your Vue application, you can destroy the Vue instance by calling the $destroy method. This will remove all event listeners and clean up any resources used by the instance.

  7. Finally, if you need to clean up any additional resources or perform any cleanup tasks, you can do so in the beforeDestroy or destroyed lifecycle hooks. These hooks are called before and after the instance is destroyed, respectively.

That's it! These are the steps involved in setting up and destroying a Vue application.