vue js change delimiters

  1. Open the Vue.js project in your preferred code editor.

  2. Locate the main Vue instance or the entry point file (usually main.js or main.ts).

  3. Inside the entry point file, import Vue and modify the delimiters using the delimiters option. Set it to an array containing the desired opening and closing delimiters.

```javascript import Vue from 'vue';

new Vue({ delimiters: ['${', '}'], // other Vue instance options... }).$mount('#app'); ```

  1. Save the changes to the entry point file.

  2. Update your Vue templates to use the new delimiters.

html <template> <div> <p>${ message }</p> </div> </template>

  1. Save the changes to your Vue component files.

  2. Run your Vue.js application to see the updated delimiters in action.