vue jest trigger input string

  1. First, import the necessary dependencies for testing Vue components with Jest.
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
  1. Mount the Vue component that you want to test using the mount() function. This will create a wrapper around the component, allowing you to interact with it and make assertions.
const wrapper = mount(Component);
  1. Find the input element within the component using a CSS selector or another appropriate method. For example, if the input has a specific class, you can use the wrapper.find() method to find it.
const input = wrapper.find('.input-class');
  1. Use the setValue() method to set the value of the input to the desired string. This will simulate the user typing into the input field.
input.setValue('Hello, world!');
  1. Trigger the input event on the input element to simulate the input being entered by the user. This will trigger any event listeners or v-model bindings associated with the input.
  1. At this point, you can make any necessary assertions to ensure that the component behaves as expected after the input has been triggered. For example, you can check if a computed property or a v-model has been updated correctly.
expect(wrapper.vm.value).toBe('Hello, world!');

Keep in mind that this is a simplified explanation and there may be variations depending on your specific use case. It's always a good idea to consult the official documentation for Vue Test Utils and Jest for more detailed information.